Join Us

Join Kielder Water Sailing Club for as little as £17 per month (based on a 12 month single membership subscription). You can find a full list of our current membership fees below.

For those of you who are members of another RYA affiliated club and wish to sail occasionally at Kielder, e.g. on holiday – we have a special Country Membership for you. This entitles you to all the normal benefits of a full membership at Kielder but you do not get voting rights at AGMs or SGMs and cannot retain a permanent boat park space. There are no other restrictions.

Important: If you are bringing a boat to the club we would kindly ask that you get in touch first.  While we can offer launching and storage for most types of dinghies and day boats, our facilities may not be suitable for some larger fixed (or lifting) keel day boats.  In these cases Kielder Yacht Club may be a better fit.  Please contact us for further advice before starting your membership application.


Membership CategoryAnnualMonthly
(includes children under 18 on 1st April this season)
Joint Membership 
(helm and regular crew sharing a single boat)
Single Member£190£17
Student Member 
(must be in full time education)
Junior Member 
(a parent or guardian must be a full member)
Country Member 
(must be a member of another RYA affiliated club)

Additionally a one-off payment of £50 is charged for the access card and the gate key. This includes £40 deposit which is refundable on return.


The process to join the club could not be simpler, please follow this link. This takes you to a new page, where you can register as a new member. You can then select the type of membership subscription required and add to your basket. Under the equipment tab, you can request an access card and key (this is a one off payment, as described below). There is a subscription form to complete then you will be good to complete your order.


All new members to KWSC are provided with an induction and familiarisation to help you get the best out of your membership. A Committee member or long-standing member of the club will take you on a tour of the facilities, introduce you to any members who are about, and deal with any questions you may have. Our aim is to help you settle into the club as quickly as we can and provide you with as much help and support as you feel you need.


We are a volunteer run club and all sailing club members are required to participate in assisting with duties during the season.  These can range from helping in the galley, crewing or driving a RIB or being a race officer.  You can select your preference when joining, your duties will then be allocated via DutyMan (this is the software package that we use for duty allocation, you will be given access to this also).  The club also has 2 work parties at the start and end of each season where members are asked to come along to help.